4. Quality Education

Developing Productive Economic Activities, Welfare Businesses and Youth Innovation Based on Digital Transformation through Cooperation between UNY and Karang Taruna of The Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Karang Taruna (Youth Organization) of The Special Region of Yogyakarta signed a memorandum of understanding with UNY on Wednesday (5/4) in the Main Conference Room of the Rectorate. The Chairperson of Karang Taruna of The Special Region of Yogyakarta GKR Hayu and UNY Rector Prof. Sumaryanto did the signing.

Sports Professor from University of Seville, Spain Shares Knowledge with UNY Students

Students of the Department of Sport Science and the Department of Sport Education UNY had the opportunity to learn directly with two Sports Professors from the University of Seville, Spain. In the first session, Prof. Luis Carrasco Paez, Ph.D. gave a lecture on "Sports Physiology". For the second session, Prof. Francis Ries, Ph.D.

NSI will support education development in UNY

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) has established a partnership with PT Nihon Seiki Indonesia (NSI), with a visit to the NSI headquarters in Delta Silicon Industrial Park Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi. UNY sent the Vice-Rector for Academic and Student Affairs, Prof.

UNY Supported Lifelong Learning through RPL Program with Asmat Government

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) collaborated with the Asmat Regency Government and Musamus University to organize an advanced human resources education program for 199 students, consisting of 148 undergraduate students and 51 magister students. From Saturday to Monday (11-13/3), offline lectures and acceleration assistance for final assignments were held.

UNY Shares Experiences with UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in Providing Services for Students with Disabilities

Since 1964, UNY has facilitated prospective students with disabilities during admission (SIPENMARU). UNY has graduated many students with disabilities in undergraduate and postgraduate studies and has been accepted as a civil servant. UNY has a special education department that studies special education.

Sorghum Kolak Cake, a New Alternative Way to Process Sorghum

Sorghum is one of the cereal products that are widely grown in Indonesia. This type of cereal has a higher vitamin and mineral content than wheat, and even sorghum has a high antioxidant substance. Consuming sorghum can prevent diabetes. Although sorghum's benefits are abundant, its utilization is minimal, and it even ends up as animal feed.

Health Care Training Using QRMA Methods

In order to improve services at the Health and Sport Center (HSC) UNY, the HSC manager held a health test training using the Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer (QRMA) hand press set on Friday, February 24, 2023 at GPLA FIKK 3rd Floor. Present as speakers, Mrs. Musanti from Kalbe Farma and Dr. Kartika Ratna Pertiwi, Ph.D. from the HSC UNY medical team.

Healthy Chips from Banana Stem Waste

A team of UNY students consisting of Yustina Rahma Sari, Linda Oktafianingsih, Brina Gamelisa, Kiki Adisti, Rahayu, Tiar Rahmasanti, Arief Kurniawan, Fani Maulana, Muhammad Raihan A and Tria Adelia succeeded in processing banana stems into chips. "After harvesting bananas, banana tree trunks are cut down and rotted.

The American Government Supports Inclusive Learning for Students with Disabilities

Factors that cause an inclusive classroom environment include the diversity of intellectual and social levels of students who are not accommodated. Therefore lecturers provide space for a variety of student background abilities. Lecturers need to integrate previous student experiences in learning and accommodate the diversity of student abilities.
