Dr. Sugiyono, M.Kes. (Ph.D. student of Educational Research and Evaluation (PEP) Postgraduate Program UNY), has developed a Food Product Sensory Acceptability Assessment Instrument for food processing practices.
The anti-bacterial and anti-odor shoe perfume created by the start-up business incubator Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) has succeeded in attracting investors' attention.
The Ombudsman Institute of Yogyakarta (LO DIY) held an audience with Yogyakarta State University, Monday (25/3) in the UNY Rectorate Leadership Meeting Room.
Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) accepted 89 international students in 2018. These students came from 30 countries and received Darmasiswa scholarships, Developing Country Partnerships (KNB), UNY Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and credit transfers.
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