Ombudsman Institute in Yogyakarta Conducts Assessment of Cooperation with Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

The Ombudsman Institute of Yogyakarta (LO DIY) held an audience with Yogyakarta State University, Monday (25/3) in the UNY Rectorate Leadership Meeting Room. The hearing was in order to discuss opportunities for cooperation between the two parties between LO DIY and UNY.
Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, Chancellor of Yogyakarta State University, said that we need to identify in various ways what we will synergize between UNY and LO DIY, because our field is in education and in UNY there are two types of study programs, both educational and non-educational. , later if we can work together in terms of socialization, both through the media and events, both for students and the community. "Our function is in the executive, while our colleagues at the Ombudsman are in terms of supervision, and we are ready to synergize because we as implementers in the field of education also need cooperation with various parties to be more developed," said Sutrisna Wibawa.
Participating in the hearing from the Ombudsman Institute of DI Yogyakarta, Fajar Wahyu Kurniawan, S.IP, Head of Monitoring and Evaluation of LO DIY; Drs. Mohammad Nugroho, Head of Cooperation and Network Development of LO DIY, Restu Gustama, S.Pd, Staff of LO DIY; and Lutfiana Nurul Sinta Arifin Putri, S.IP, Assistant at LO DIY.
Then also present in the audience accompanied by the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Margana, MA, M. Hum, Vice-Chancellor I; Prof. Dr. Edi Purwanto, M.Pd, Vice-ChancellorII, and Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes, Vice-Chancellor III; Dr. Anwar Efendi, M.Si, Head of the Office of Public Relations Promotion and Protocol; and Anang Priyanto, SH, M.Hum, Head of Legal Service Institution.- (Arbima, DNA)