UNY Accepted the International Students

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) accepted 89 international students in 2018. These students came from 30 countries and received Darmasiswa scholarships, Developing Country Partnerships (KNB), UNY Scholarships for undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, and credit transfers. In addition, UNY also accepted 10 students from the Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) Malaysia who will carry out an International Teaching Apprenticeship for two months.
According to the Rector of UNY, Sutrisna Wibawa, the international students' arrival at UNY is very appropriate because Yogyakarta is a student city, and the climate is very supportive for studying. "UNY is ranked as the 11th best university in Indonesia. Therefore, it is a good choice to study at UNY," said Sutrisna Wibawa. The Rector hopes that these students can respect and tolerate each other. Besides, they can also learn about the diversity of Indonesian cultures, such as dance or art. The Vice-Rector IV of UNY, Senam, said that these international students came from 4 continents, 58 Asia, 13 Africa, 13 Europe, and 4 Latin America. As a hope, after this program, there will be a continued collaboration with UNY.
The international students were welcomed by the leadership of UNY and their staff on Monday (8/10) in the Welcoming Ceremony in the Rectorate Meeting Room. These students will study for a certain period at UNY. UNY S1 scholarship recipients will take four years, S2 and S3 scholarship recipients will undergo it for two years, while KNB scholarship recipients will undergo three years. The Darmasiswa scholarship recipients and Yunan University credit transfers will stay at UNY for one year, and credit transfers from GDFUS, the University of Naples L'Orientale, and the University of Munster Germany will last for one semester. The Darmasiswa Scholarship is a scholarship from the BKPLN RI (Indonesian Planning and Cooperation of Foreign Affairs). In contrast, the KNB scholarship is from the Indonesian government to continue their Master's program in Indonesia, where they got courses in the Indonesian language and culture before. UNY also provides postgraduate and doctoral scholarships that cover tuition fees for students.
One of the international students, Emanuel, feels happy to study at UNY because there are many structured extracurricular activities. The master student from Burundi admitted that he learned a lot about Indonesian culture and its rich diversity. (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/penerimaan-mahasiswa-internasional-uny