The number of vehicles in Indonesia is large. Based on data from the Traffic Corps of the State Police of the Republic of Indonesia, the number of vehicles operating throughout Indonesia in 2013 reached 104.211 million units, of which the largest population was still contributed by motorcycles with a total of 86.253 million units. This of course has a huge impact on human health and the environment.
There have been many developments in the exhaust gas exhaust system, but these developments are mostly only applied to four-wheeled vehicles. In fact, the number of motorcycle-type v Therefore, if an above is actually more than that of cars. Therefore, a group of UNY students developed a low-emission motorcycle exhaust innovation by using a catalytic converter and an adsorbent made from cocoa husk waste.
They are Ardi Aprilianto and Aan Yudianto from the Automotive Engineering Education Study Program, Faculty of Engineering and Puthy Nurlina Sari from the Physics Study Program and Devry Pramesty Putri from the Chemistry Study Program, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. According to Ardi, they made an innovation called IMOSION (Low Emission Muffler Innovation). Cocoa husk that has become charcoal is ground using a mortar and then 150 grams of charcoal is taken to be activated using 500 ml of CaCl2 with a variation of 1 to 3 days. The activated charcoal was then filtered from the filtrate and muffled at 350oC for 1 hour. Activated charcoal is then cooled and ground until smooth, after that it is filtered through a 50 mesh sieve. After the activated charcoal is finished, it is then compacted again in the prepared container, and installed in the exhaust. (Dedy, DNA)