UNY Share Hundreds of Food Packages for Students

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) provides logistics in food packages for students who stay in boarding houses during the Covid-19 pandemic.
"The Faculty of Languages and Arts (FBS) has entered the second stage with a total of close to 200 students. In other faculties, it has also begun to be coordinated and distributed with a total of hundreds of food packages," said Prof. Sutrisna Wibawa, as Rector of UNY.
The main targets of the essential food assistance are students who live in closed settlements or lockdowns. So they can't go to buy groceries. In addition, Bidikmisi students or those from underprivileged families become prioritized.
The source of food packages distributed was from aid funds from the campus, lecturers, and UNY employees, which were mutual and voluntary. We hope that students can continue to do activities from their respective boarding houses, following government advice not to go home through the provision of necessities.
"This assistance is prioritized for students who find it difficult to meet basic needs. There are no restrictions on distributing basic food packages, but Deputy Deans 3 (Student Affairs) will sort based on the priority scale and adjust the available donation capacity. Hopefully, it can meet the basic needs of UNY students," concluded Sutrisna. (Dary A's inspiration, ts-Arfian, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/uny-bagikan-ratusan-paket-sembako-untuk-mahasiswa-yang-tidak-mudik