14.3.2 Food from aquatic ecosystems (policies)

UNY Students Develop Chinese Petai Noodles as Alternative Food for Diabetics

Students of Yogyakarta State University (UNY) innovate processed food ingredients in Chinese petai noodles called Beta Health Noodle. This food is suitable for people with diabetes because it contains tannins, galactomannans, and flavonoids that can lower blood sugar levels.

UNY Students Innovate Natural Catfish Feed

UNY Students Innovate Natural Catfish Feed

One type of business developed by the community is the cultivation of catfish. The first reason is that many people widely consume catfish. However, catfish growers still rely on factory-made feed in the form of pellets sold in the market. Catfish feed must have enough protein content to be utilized optimally by the fish body. Nevertheless, the selling price of fish pellets on the market is still relatively high. This problem will make the profit generated is limited.