UNY Students Innovate Natural Catfish Feed
One type of business developed by the community is the cultivation of catfish. The first reason is that many people widely consume catfish. However, catfish growers still rely on factory-made feed in the form of pellets sold in the market. Catfish feed must have enough protein content to be utilized optimally by the fish body. Nevertheless, the selling price of fish pellets on the market is still relatively high. This problem will make the profit generated is limited. Catfish food is the most increased cost for the business, which is about 70 percent. This situation forces cultivators to utilize other sources of feed to meet the living needs of fish.
Three UNY students, Dinda Restu Nabila, Siska Yulianti, and Faridatul Liana, examined catfish food made from rice field conch and water hyacinth. According to Dinda, hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and rice field conch (Pila ampullacea) have high protein content for natural fish food. "Hyacinth plants contain organic matter that has a fairly high protein content of 11.2 percent, while the protein content of rice field conch is 15 percent," she said. This study aims to determine how to make natural catfish feed from a mixture of rice field conch and enceng gondok into pellets. Additionally, it is also to evaluate the effectiveness of feeding the most protein-based catfish from a blend of rice field conch and enceng goiter to catfish growth (Clarias sp).
Siska revealed that the ingredients used in natural catfish feed are: rice field conch, hyacinth, bran, cornstarch, starch flour, selenium, H2SO4 boiling stone 0.1 N NaOH 40 percent. Research shows that the giving of hyacinth pellets and rice field conch on catfish experienced good results.
At first, the seed is one week old with a length of 0.13 meters and a weight of 0.15 kg. After one month of giving catfish, long pellets increased by 0.03 meters and weight increased by 0.04 kg. After two months, its length became 0.28 meters and weighed 0.39 kg. Based on catfish growth, fish grow and develop well after adapting to the environment for a week. The pellets they make do not contain factory chemicals that can reduce the levels of protein contained in catfish. In addition, the materials used are widely available in the surrounding environment, so it is easy to find them. (Albertus Adit, ts-Waryati, Alina)