3.3.2 Health outreach programmes

Sociology Education Study Program Strengthens Children's Mental Health

The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the quality of physical health and the quality of mental health. The policy of learning from home does not necessarily have a positive impact. Children who typically study and play with their friends directly should study and stay at home. This situation triggered the emergence of boredom and stress in children.

UNY Sociology Education Study Program Support village development in Bantul

The Out-Campus Learning Activities Team of UNY's Sociology Education Study Program collaborated with Women Farmers Group (KWT) Sedyo Mulyo has carried out several activities in  Tulasan village, Bantul, on October 16, 2021. The team successfully organized mass gymnastics,  local product introduction, and demonstration of eco enzyme processing.  The targets for this activity are KWT members, PKK members, Posyandu cadres, Youth Organizations and children.

Kantin Ungu FBS UNY, A Canteen With Good Waste Management

The Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY has a canteen for lecturers and students called Kantin Ungu which is located at the east of Ki Nartosabdo Building. The canteen was inaugurated on Tuesday at 11.00 WIB by the Dean of FBS UNY at that time, Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. There are 6 kiosks for rent, and there is 1 kiosk that is intended for student entrepreneurship practices.

UNY supports improving the quality of health through the Healthy Living Community Movement

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) supports the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat /GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement). Some of the policies that UNY has implemented are:
1. Encourage sports activities on campus
