More Than 5000 Yogyakarta Students Join the Vaccination Movement at UNY Sports Hall

Until now, vaccines are considered one of the most effective ways to prevent the spread of the Covid-19 virus while still implementing strict Health Protocols. So it is because vaccines can trigger the body's immune system so that the risk of contracting becomes small and, if infected, can prevent severe symptoms and complications.
Recently, mass vaccine activities have been rampant with the hope that if many people get the vaccine, it can encourage the formation of herd immunity.
Several students who are members of the Student Executive Board (BEM) NUSANTARA, BEM UNY, State Islamic Religious College (PTKIN), Muhammadiyah College (PTM), and several other student alliances held a mass vaccine activity for students in Yogyakarta. In addition, they collaborated with the Indonesian Army and Indonesian Police, with the Yogyakarta Regional Police Medical and Health Sector team as support.
The activity entitled "Gerakan Vaksinasi Mahasiswa Yogyakarta Istimewa” lasted for two days, 25-26 August 2021, at the Sports Hall (GOR) UNY.
BEM UNY has a significant role in this activity. Thirty members work as a field team and look for data on UNY students with pretty light requirements, which show a Student Identity Card (KTM) as proof that they still have active students status.
Students' response to take part in this vaccine activity is relatively high, as evidenced by 5476 students who have received the vaccine, with details of 2550 students on the first day and 2926 students on the second day. Thus, especially for UNY students, as many as 1000 people have been vaccinated.
The Rector of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sumaryanto, M.Kes., when opening this event, said he was very proud because the vaccine activity for these students used the UNY Sports Hall.
"UNY Sports Hall has a lot of history in various humanitarian activities, such as accommodating refugees due to the 2006 Bantul earthquake and the 2010 eruption of Merapi," explained Sumaryanto, who is also a volunteer and humanitarian activist.
UNY Sports Hall is an international sports building with 6000 spectators, and often used as the place for national and international events such as the AFC Futsal Championship and Indonesia Basketball League.
The head of UNY's BEM, Mutawakkil Hidayatullah, saw that students in Yogyakarta, especially UNY students, were quite enthusiastic about participating in this vaccination.
"This is one of the efforts to break the chain of the spread of Covid-19," said Akkil. (Khairani Faizah, ts-Shafia,Alina)
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