Kantin Ungu FBS UNY, A Canteen With Good Waste Management
Submitted by roby on Wed, 10/07/2020 - 01:22

The Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY has a canteen for lecturers and students called Kantin Ungu which is located at the east of Ki Nartosabdo Building. The canteen was inaugurated on Tuesday at 11.00 WIB by the Dean of FBS UNY at that time, Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. There are 6 kiosks for rent, and there is 1 kiosk that is intended for student entrepreneurship practices.
The name of the Kantin Ungu is adjusted to the identity color of the Faculty of Language and Arts, UNY, which is purple. Previously, the FBS canteen was located in the north of Tedjokusumo Stage Building which looked narrow and closed.
Now the FBS UNY canteen has a more refreshing face with walls painted a purplish red. The location of the canteen which is open consisting of outdoor kiosks gives a spacious and fresh impression, blending with the surrounding garden environment so that it becomes a place for gathering and having fun discussions.
This canteen embodies the desire of the civitas academica FBS UNY to have a canteen that is healthy, nutritious and halal. Canteen users are also taught discipline because when they have finished enjoying their meal, they are asked to collect their own dirty glasses and plates to the washroom. In addition, the canteen is also involved in the orderliness of the teaching and learning process, if there are students in the canteen during lectures, the canteen is encouraged to remind the students to return to class.
The waste management is well managed, with the provision of organic and inorganic waste bins. The waste management strategies chosen include the use of waste minimization approaches (recycling and composting) and landfills (taken to the final disposal site).
The visitors must dispose of leftover food in the trash by sorting between organic and inorganic waste before collecting cutlery in the washing place. For this reason, an adequate dishwasher is provided, close to the waste disposal site.
UNY's cleaning staff will regularly pick up the collected garbage and take it to the landfill. The quality of service is always maintained by providing a canteen satisfaction questionnaire which aims to determine customer satisfaction as well as criticism or suggestions in order to improve service quality, comfort, cleanliness, and taste as a benchmark for assessment in the canteen consumer satisfaction questionnaire. (Dwi Retno SA).
Indicator Name : 2.Zero Hunger:
Indicator Name : 3.Good Health and Well Being:
Indicator Name : 12.Responsible Consumption and Production: