UNY supports improving the quality of health through the Healthy Living Community Movement
Submitted by admin on Wed, 08/05/2020 - 11:30

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) supports the Indonesian Ministry of Health's Gerakan Masyarakat Hidup Sehat /GERMAS (Healthy Living Community Movement). Some of the policies that UNY has implemented are:
1. Encourage sports activities on campus
UNY regularly every Friday morning provides an opportunity for faculty members to have aerobics or do any physical exercise. UNY also routinely conducts fun bikes when celebrating the university anniversary. Unfortunately, due to the covid pandemic, most of these activities have been limited to fewer participants to meet a safe social distancing requirement.

2. Eat Fruits and Vegetables
We had local fruit such as salak, banana and orange as part of the snacking option for the meeting alongside some traditional snacks as the alternative.

3. Policy on non-smoking area.
Under UNY Rector's Decree number 3 of 2013, UNY has long been committed to creating a clean and healthy environment, free from pollution, especially from cigarette smoke.

UNY also has a clinic that allows faculties member and students to check on their health. for specific injuries related to sports activities, UNY's massage therapy is a good option.(Lak)
Indicator Name : 2.Zero Hunger:
Indicator Name : 3.Good Health and Well Being: