12.2.1 Ethical sourcing policy

Turning Banana Peel Waste into Healthy Snacks

Sumbersari Village, Purworejo Regency, is one of the banana-producing villages. Currently, some MSMEs specialize in processing bananas into chips. "Unfortunately, the waste in the form of banana peels is usually thrown away. Therefore, we initiated to manage banana peel waste into valuable foodstuffs through the Educreative Entrepreneurship class program," said Aji Aryo Prayoga, head of the UNY student community service team in Sumbersari village on December 15, 2023.

The Guidance Book for KKN 2021

UNY is a University that always follows the direction of national education policy to hold KKN (Community Service Programme). KKN is an effective way to give the best academic service to educational and non educational students in this Covid-19 era. The Guidance Book for KKN 2021 was arranged as guidelines for students and every side that takes part in the KKN implementation to be optimal in serving the community. (ts-Vannya) 

Ethics and Rules for Student Intercommunication on Campus

Ethics and Rules for Student Intercommunication on Campus


Remembering the importance of the continuity of academic activities in UNY campus, a conducive atmosphere is needed which reflects an orderly, ethical, and academic culture on campus life. It is the purpose of the rule that the students could have a conducive environment while learning and interacting with one another. (ts-Vannya) 

Kantin Ungu FBS UNY, A Canteen With Good Waste Management

The Faculty of Languages and Arts UNY has a canteen for lecturers and students called Kantin Ungu which is located at the east of Ki Nartosabdo Building. The canteen was inaugurated on Tuesday at 11.00 WIB by the Dean of FBS UNY at that time, Dr. Widyastuti Purbani, M.A. There are 6 kiosks for rent, and there is 1 kiosk that is intended for student entrepreneurship practices.

As the vision of UNY to be the centre of professional and global teaching resources, there is guidance and introduction towards. In order to prepare the students for teaching at school, PLP is a course to prepare for teacher competence.

As the vision of UNY to be the centre of  professional and global teaching resources, there is guidance and introduction towards. In order to prepare the students for teaching at school, PLP is a course to prepare for teacher competence.