UNY Students Develop Catfish Crushing Machine to Increase Catfish Business Productivity

To increase the productivity of catfish farmers, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) students, through the Science and Technology Application Student Creativity Program (PKM-PI), created a catfish crushing machine. They are Abdul Rosyid Hidayatullah, Muhammad Faqihul Imam (Physics), Heni Febriani (Biology), Yoga Agung Saputra (Mechanical Engineering), and Hestiana (Science Education).
Abdul Rosyid said that the catfish cultivation business has broad business prospects to be developed. One of them is catfish production in the Klaten area by Mr. Agung under the business name "Lala Lele Bioflok." According to the partner's explanation, while working, the partner's hand was injured when a catfish patil (pickaxe) hit him with a frequency of 5 times in each cutting and cleaning process. In addition, one worker can only clean 10 kg of catfish in 96 minutes because they still use a manual knife. As a result, an average of 10 partner orders cannot be fulfilled every month.
"In 2019, a machine called Cutle Machine was developed to solve this problem. However, the engine still has drawbacks. The device's size is too large and does not have wheels, so it is not portable and takes up a lot of space, and still uses AC resources, which consumes a lot of power. Furthermore, the conveyor speed cannot be adjusted so that there are catfish that are not cut. Moreover, the cleaning system for the catfish's internal organs in Cutle Machine is not optimal because it only uses injected water. Based on these problems, Catfish Crushing Machine implemented an update from the Cutle Machine, which aims to increase the efficiency of catfish processing time in "Lala Lele Bioflok,"
Rosyid explained that this tool could provide solutions such as using a bladed disk driven by a DC wiper motor and cleaning with a water pump and hook. For example, suppose you use a catfish cleaning knife for too long. With this tool, you can minimize the handling of catfish by using a catfish crushing machine with a running conveyor so that your hands are protected from being hit by a hammer when cutting.
"Developing a new machine by adding wheels and making the portable smaller machine does not take up much space. While adding a hook system for cleaning internal catfish organs will maximize the cleaning. The DC electric motors and microcontrollers so that power is smaller and conveyor and the speed of the knife plate can be adjusted to avoid uncut catfish," he added. (Witono, ts-Arfian, Alina)
Source Link: http://fmipa.uny.ac.id/id/berita/mesin-pembetetan-lele-guna-meningkatkan-produktivitas-usaha-lele