On October 3, 2020, the Department of Chemistry Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), held a Webinar Series #2, a series of events to commemorate the 64th Anniversary. In this webinar series #2, the theme raised is Chemical Applications for Waste Management. The speaker who filled the webinar series #2 was Dr. Hendra Adhi Pratama from BATAN, Serpong, and Prof. Dr. Suyanta from the Chemistry Education Department, UNY.
Dr. Hendra Adhi Pratama conveyed the challenges in managing nuclear waste in Indonesia. He is an alumnus of the Chemistry Department UNY and continued his master's degree at the Chemistry Department-University of Indonesia and a doctoral program at Kyoto University-Japan.
Prof. Dr. Suyanta is one of the Chemistry Education Department professors, FMIPA, UNY in Analytical Chemistry. He conveyed the separation of metal ions in liquid waste by column filtration and electrocoagulation.
This webinar series #2 hopes that it will add applicable, concrete, and comprehensive knowledge to prepare a superior and competitive generation. (Admin, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : http://kimia.fmipa.uny.ac.id/id/content/webinar-series-2-aplikasi-kimia-untuk-pengelolaan-limbah