Local Food-Based Entrepreneurs Development to Support Indonesia's Local Food Potentia

Local Food-Based Entrepreneurs Development to Support Indonesia's Local Food Potentia

Indonesia has enormous potential for local food ingredients and can be processed to meet nutritional integrity. But, unfortunately, the possibility of local food has not been utilized properly. To increase the potential of local food, the Master's Program in Family Welfare Education, Faculty of Engineering Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (PKK FT UNY) held a national webinar entitled "Entrepreneurial Development Based on Local Food" on Tuesday (06/04/2021).

Indonesia has 77 types of food sources of carbohydrates, 75 types of protein, 110 types of spices and seasonings, 389 types of fruits, 228 varieties of vegetables, 26 types of nuts, and 40 types of beverage ingredients, but these have not used maximum. Therefore, it is necessary to have the ability to optimize the potential of food in Indonesia. "There is no diversity in food consumption in Indonesia. As a result, Indonesia experiences obesity, anemia, and stunting," said Prof. Pearl.


In developing food based on local potential, a touch of innovation is needed by paying attention to quality, nutrition, and safety. Thus, these food products will engage consumers and become competitive local food compared with foreign products' food.

The development of food based on local potential will realize the government's program in Making Indonesia 4.0. There are five government flagship programs, one of which is food and beverages. In this government target program, by 2030, Indonesia can become a 30% food and beverages exporter in Asia. (Nurul_Humas FTUNY, ts-Arfian, Alina)


Source Link : http://ft.uny.ac.id/id/berita/pengembangan-wirausaha-berbasis-pangan-lokal-tuk-dukung-potensi-pangan-lokal-indonesia

2. Zero Hunger
Indicator Name : 2.Zero Hunger: