The current condition of the need and demand for electrical energy in Indonesia is increasing, but it is not proportional to the supply of energy sources. So far, Indonesia has used a lot of electrical energy sources from non-renewable materials such as coal and gas, which is a contributor to the greenhouse effect with carbon dioxide causing global heat. At the same time, Indonesia has potential resources as electrical energy, such as water energy. However, abundant water resources make it very probable to use them as electrical energy, which has not been used optimally until now. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate portable hydroelectric power plants to meet electricity needs, especially in rural and remote areas. This problem prompted Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) students to design a hydro coil turbine power plant by utilizing river flow as an environmentally friendly source of electrical energy. 

The existing hydroelectric power plant (PLTA) has several shortcomings: large size, impracticality, and challenges to maintenance. The power generated is not optimal and requires a heavy flow of water. The innovative Hydro Coil Turbine design can operate with a low flow of water to ditches and irrigation networks widely built in rural areas. This water turbine is more portable, practical, easier to use, easier to maintain, and has greater power effectiveness. Hydro Coil Turbine has a blade geometry in the form of a coil with the Archimedes pump principle.

This turbine could operate with a low flow of water to ditches and irrigation networks primarily built in rural areas. Easy to use, cost-effective, easy to move so that it has flexible mobilization. The Hydro Coil Turbine is equipped with automatic control to adjust the water level in the irrigation channel to optimize the energy produced. This work is one of UNY's efforts in the sustainable development agenda in quality education, clean water, and clean energy. (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)


Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/hydro-coil-turbine-pembangkit-listrik-portabel-karya-mahasiswa-uny 

7. Affordable And Clean Energy
Indicator Name : 7.Affordable And Clean Energy: