Efforts to recover the village economy in pandemic times through the UNY-Gunungkidul government collaboration to achieve the village SDG'S
Submitted by admin on Thu, 08/26/2021 - 17:10

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a tremendous impact on society. However, this condition did not become an obstacle for UNY to active economic recovery. Through collaboration with several regions, especially Gunungkidul Regency, UNY hopes to assist in the recovery of the regional economy during the pandemic
In starting the discussion, Siswantoyo, as the Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation, said that UNY has several potential collaborations, such as the Catering Study Program, which can support traditional food in Gunungkidul, which supports the tourism sector. In addition, UNY has a massage/physiotherapy center that can train Gunungkidul residents to become certified therapists. The hope is that every tourist location in Gunungkidul has a fit house to facilitate tourists and provide a source of income for the residents of Gunungkidul.
Margana said that UNY is committed to supporting the development of human resources in Gunungkidul through the construction of the UNY Gunungkidul Campus with the available vocational programs. The potential of natural resources owned by Gunungkidul needs to be managed with reliable human resources. The increase in the possibility that exists in Gunungkidul needs to be discussed between the Gunungkidul Regional Government and UNY, said Sunaryanta in his speech. "Hopefully, the presence of UNY in Gunungkidul can provide positive things, especially in building the younger generation," he added. He hopes that the potential for cooperation can be discussed further with the OPD in Gunungkidul.
In addition, UNY was given the trust by the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia to carry out the 2021 Social Entrepreneurship Program (ProKUS), said Nahiyah in the discussion session. The Directorate General of Social Empowerment of the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia through the Directorate of Social Empowerment of Individuals, Families, and Community Institutions in collaboration with the LPPM UNY Business Incubator in running the program. Furthermore, the relation of these activities is planned to be carried out in the Gunungkidul Regency area.
Various collaborations by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta with the local government are UNY's efforts to restore the village economy during the pandemic. It is in line with the UNY commitment to achieve SDGs, especially in the village sector. (Aji A., Tj. Lak)
Indicator Name : 1.No Poverty:
Indicator Name : 4.Quality Education:
Indicator Name : 16.Peace Justice and Strong Institutions:
Indicator Name : 17.Partnerships For the Goals: