Procurement of Goods/Services in UNY

One of the core principles of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) is sustainability. The UNY Code of Conduct, which aims to improve human health and safeguard the environment, must be adhered to by the food suppliers. As a fundamental component of our concept, our suppliers must likewise understand and share our dedication to sustainability and the environment. It is our responsibility to consistently motivate our suppliers to integrate sustainable development principles into their supply chains and internal business processes. Our catering staff at UNY is in charge of creating the Sustainable Food Policy and making sure it is implemented effectively, both of which are essential to the university's efforts to stay in its current standing. Students, employees, and visitors can all get free drinking water from UNY. Water dispensers are placed around all UNY buildings so that bottles can be filled. For meals made on-site, UNY food service providers are also urged to use recyclable or biodegradable food packaging. UNY also works closely with companies to procure goods/services with the principles of efficiency and economy in accordance with healthy business practices, as stated in the Rector Degree number 16 of 2020 that strengthen with Rector Decree Letter Number 34 of 2023. The scope of this Rector's Regulation includes procurement of Goods/Services in all UNY work units that use funds from sources other than the State Budget, Regional Budget, and/or foreign grants for which the procurement mechanism for goods/services is not regulated.

9. Industry Innovation and Infrastructure
12. Responsible Consumption and Production