Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Investment in Human Resources in Banyuwangi

The Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia facilitates and continues to strive for further collaboration and strategic synergy between Higher Education, local government, and the Industry set in the matching fund program. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta is one of the universities actively seizing this opportunity by cooperating with the Banyuwangi district government partner. On Tuesday (17/5) at the Sabha Swagata Blambangan Hall, Banyuwangi, the signing of the MoU between UNY and the Banyuwangi Regency Government was held.
Prof. Siswantoyo, Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation of UNY said that this activity was one of the efforts initiated by the UNY Matching Fund team. Ipuk Fiestiandani, as the Regent of Banyuwangi said that the MoU that was carried out with various universities was expected to be an encouragement for investment in Human Resources.
“This MoU can add to our enthusiasm for investing in human resources in Banyuwangi Regency. Hopefully, this MoU can be strengthened with the MoA. Then, all people in Banyuwangi Regency can feel the impact of increasing knowledge, education, and the ability to develop science in Banyuwangi Regency,” Ipuk said.
A comprehensive partnership between UNY and Banyuwangi government will open a widerange of plans and activities. As a result, it is possible to develop programs that will tackle problems related with SDGs objectives of (1) No Poverty; (2) Zero Hunger; (3) Good Health and Well-being; (4) Quality Education; (5) Gender Equality; (6) Clean Water and Sanitation; (7) Affordable and Clean Energy; (8) Decent Work and Economic Growth; (9) Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure; (10) Reduced Inequalities; (11) Sustainable Cities and Communities; (12) Responsible Consumption and Production; (13) Climate Action; (14) Life below Water; (15) Life on Land; (16) Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions; (17)Partnerships for the Goals. (Joy binJack, Tj.Lak).