Semanu Gunung Kidul Campus Ready for use in September

Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd, and his staff on Friday afternoon (17/7) reviewed the construction of this campus. In front of the reporters, Sutrisna said, "The construction of the first stage of the lecture campus will begin on February 21, 2020, and will be allocated for the implementation of lectures for 6 (six) study programs, namely Electronic Engineering, Catering, Fashion Design, Accounting, Marketing Management, and Office Administration."
It was also stated that the registration process for vocational program students who will carry out the learning process on this campus for the first stage had been carried out, while the second stage will start from July 20 to August 22, 2020. So far, the selection process for new students has used the academic achievement path. And the path of superior achievement, in addition to the CBT (Computer Based Test), which is implemented at SMK Negeri 1 Wonosari. Asked about the implementation of the entry selection during the Covid-19 Pandemic, Sutrisna explained, "avoiding face to face, so it is hoped that the selection is through the academic achievement path with report cards or superior achievements by uploading achievements in the form of championship certificates that were owned during high school/vocational/vocational school. MA.
However, if you want a CBT selection, you must prioritize the Covid-19 protocol. Even if you are face to face, you have to keep your distance. You have to keep your distance, wear a mask, wash your hands. There should be no crowds, one by one entry; it is recommended to wear gloves."
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