UNY improving partnership with Bank BPD DIY for excellent service
Submitted by admin on Wed, 11/04/2020 - 18:00

"UNY as a Public Service Agency (BLU) is given the flexibility to manage Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) funds sourced from students and the community and can be managed by UNY with a BLU financial pattern. UNY collaborates with Bank BPD DIY to manage these funds by BLU Financial Management (PK) scheme," said Sukirjo, as Head of the General Bureau, Planning and Finance (BUPK).
To improve the quality of services, UNY and Bank BPD DIY evaluate several implemented programs. So far, the banking services range from payment of salaries for UNY employees, remuneration, savings-loan credit services to payment of Single Tuition Fee (UKT) for students. In the future, loan services will also be held for employees who have entered retirement.
Cooperation with banks is expected to provide easy economic access for both Faculty members and students. "Bank BPD DIY will provide scholarship assistance in the amount of Rp. 42,000,000.00 and support for young entrepreneurs, namely UNY students interested in pursuing a business with a total fund of Rp. 25,000,000.00" said Sukirjo (Khairani Faizah, Tr.Lak)
Indicator Name : 1.No Poverty:
Indicator Name : 16.Peace Justice and Strong Institutions:
Indicator Name : 17.Partnerships For the Goals: