PIU IDB UNY Held Pre - Construction Meeting for Construct 12 New Building

The 12 new building construction with the fund from Islamic Development Bank (IDB) in UNY which will held parallel in the second half period of year in 2017 will be held in any minutes. The land for buildings with a total area of 32,434 m2 is spread over 12 planned points and development zones have been determined along with distribution lines for building materials which will certainly pass through and divide the UNY campus area.
The technical explanation of the development process was summarized in the event entitled “Pre Construction Meeting: The Support to The Development of Higher Education (7 in 1) Project; The Development and Upgrading of Yogyakarta State University” which took place on Monday, July 24, 2017 in the Main Meeting Room of the UNY Rectorate. The event which was initiated by PIU IDB UNY was attended by the Chancellor and all leaders of UNY; the leadership ranks of PIU IDB UNY; UNY Technical Team; representatives of the Yogyakarta Special Region High Prosecutor's Office and the PKP Public Works Office of Sleman Regency; the leadership and staff of PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk as a contractor and PT. Cakra Manggilingan Jaya as project management and supervision consultant (PMSC).
“The long process that has been going on so far is quite energy-consuming, therefore it is hoped that the construction process can take place more quickly. Indeed, the time stated is 14 months, but if you look at the specifications of each building that does not exceed four floors, I hope it can be faster so that within 12 months it can be used. The sooner the better but the quality must be maintained,” said the Chancellor of UNY, Prof. Dr. Sutrisna Wibawa, M.Pd. in between his remarks.
Meanwhile, Dr. Slamet Widodo, M.T. as the Director of PIU IDB UNY reported that the management process in the IDB 7 in 1 project was carried out based on the IDB guidelines but still pays attention to the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) so that in its implementation there will be a Commitment Making Officer (PPK) and the PIU Executive Director, where PPK is responsible for the disbursement process. funds are within the scope of the Indonesian government while the PIU Executive Director is responsible for the communication process and accountability reports to the IDB.
The construction process for the 12 new buildings was carried out with reference to the agreement between the IDB and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. The DIY High Prosecutor's Office, which from the beginning has taken part in guarding and providing considerations in the legal aspects of the auction/procurement process and ensuring that everything is in accordance with the contents of the agreement signed by the IDB, and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. “We will not interfere with the technical process of building construction because it involves professions and expertise that are beyond our authority. But we will continue to oversee it legally and ensure that there will be no obstacles in the construction process,” said Robert Panjaitan who represented the Yogyakarta High Prosecutor's Office.
The event which lasted for two hours also contained introductions from all parties involved, both from the UNY Technical Team representing the users, technical explanations and introductions to PT. Waskita Karya (Persero) Tbk and PT. Cakra Manggilingan Jaya as executor and consultant of project management and supervision. (ts-vannya)
Source Link : http://idb.uny.ac.id/informasi/piu-idb-uny-selenggarakan-pre-construction-meeting-untuk-pembangunan-12-gedung-baru