Scientist Scientific Study Group (KSI Mist) Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta has implemented a Holistic Village Development and Empowerment Program (PHP2D) to Develop Embung Tourism in Gunung Panggung, Tambakromo, Gunung Kidul. Together with the surrounding community, they held a Cultural and Culinary Festival at the Klepu Hamlet Hall, Tambakromo, Gunungkidul, 22/11/20 by implementing health protocols in collaboration with the police, Tagana (Disaster Preparedness Cadets), and medical personnel.
The highlight of this event was attended by several guests, including representatives of the hamlet, the Head of Tambakromo Village, the Vice-Rector of UNY (Prof. Dr. Anik Gufron), the Culture Service and the Tourism Office.
The head of the activity, Astuti Naviah Apriliani (Chemistry Education), said that PHP2D aims to redevelop Gunung Panggung Embung Tourism by integrating it with the Tambakromo Cultural Village. With this cultural and culinary festival, we can introduce various arts from Tambakromo Village to the people of Yogyakarta and hope that multiple skills here can go international someday.
Head of Tambakromo Village, Sudigdyo Wiyoko, S.E., welcomed the culmination of the event. Meanwhile, the studio manager, Roni AW, said that the arts displayed at the peak of this event included tayub dance, children's dance, jathilan, children's puppets, and gambyong dance. In addition, art groups performed the performances of some of these cultures from various hamlets in Tambakromo. Among them are Jathilan from Garon Hamlet and gamelan groups from Bulurejo Hamlet. Meanwhile, other cultural performances are collaborations from various hamlets in Tambakromo Village. In addition, the dishes served at this event are local products from the Tambakromo community, including soy drinks, Puli Tempe, Batik Crafts, etc.
The Cultural and Culinary Festival event ended with a ribbon-cutting as a symbol of the opening of the renovated Gunung Panggung Embung and given a photo spot and the symbolic handover of portable toilets from the Vice-Rector of UNY to the Tambakromo Village Head. (dian/witono, ts-Arfian, Alina)
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