Is gender bias still relevant today? Bias is a condition that favors or is detrimental. At the same time, gender is an inherent trait of both men and women that is socially and culturally constructed. According to data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), the Human Development Index (HDI) by province and gender in Indonesia in 2018 shows that men are 75.43% and women 68.63%. These data indicate that access to development outcomes for women is still lower than men in obtaining income, health, education, etc. This triggers a gender bias or a condition that favors and harms one gender.

The characteristics of gender itself are related to distinguishing Masculinity and Femininity. Masculinity is that men are considered strong, rational, and assertive. There is a gender bias in society that men are considered taboo when doing housework such as cooking, cleaning the house, and taking care of children. While femininity, namely women, are gentle, emotional, motherly, affective, and irrational, which often occurs gender bias, such as women who doubt their ability to occupy a position in work. The impact of gender bias is gender discrimination and sexual violence, and harassment by educating and raising children moderately and educating children about sex and character from an early age. Reducing the existence of gender bias will promote equality to realize fair and equal development for men and women.(admin, ts-Shafia)


by. Azzahra Nawangwulan (@azzahranaw) - illustrator / Retno Dhamayanti (@rdhamaya) - narrator/ Arelya Febriane (@arelya_) - layouter


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8. Decent Work and Economic Growth