Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) held the Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors, and Diplomas Graduation August period on Saturday (28/8) at the UNY Auditorium. At this graduation, Fahayu Priristia from the Accounting Education Department, Faculty of Economics, achieved the highest achievement index for the undergraduate level, 3.93. The girl born in Gunungkidul on 1 January 1999 admitted that she was always motivated to get the best results because her college friends were eager to learn. Moreover, she chose the Accounting Education Department because her parents wanted her to become a teacher.
Fahayu went through elementary school with concern, often bullied because of the family's economic condition. Apart from never being in the top 10 in her class, she was only good in reading and writing after grade 6. When he entered junior high school, the youngest child of the Supriyono couple, a trader and Resti Suciati reached the top 10 because of the supportive school environment. This condition continued until high school, where Fahayu entered the superior science class. While in high school, she participated in many competitions, including the National Science Olympiad (OSN). Uniquely, even though Fahayu was from the Science program, she participated in the social sciences field. She was the only science student who competed in the social sciences field. To reduce competition in the science field, she took the social sciences field. Fahayu managed to qualify for 4th place at the provincial level and a finalist at the national level in the economic field.
While studying at UNY, Fahayu received PPA and Bank Indonesia scholarships. She was active in various activities outside of lectures, including the International Conference on Social Science and Economics in Korea and the National Student Science Week (PIMNAS). She did several research works (including butterfly leaf gel compresses to reduce fever and hair tonic from banana weevil waste as a natural hair care solution). Fahayu also hopes to be able to continue her master's degree according to her study program. This program is one of UNY's sustainable global agenda in reducing poverty and accessing quality education. (Dedy,ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/fahayu-lulusan-terbaik-sarjana-pada-wisuda-periode-agustus