UNY Accepted 2,523 SBMPTN Students
The 2021 State University Joint Entrance Test (SBMPTN) results were announced online on Monday (14/6). The College Entrance Test Institute (LTMPT) determined that 184,942 participants have passed the 2021 SBMPTN. It consists of 92,963 Science and Technology study programs (Saintek) and 91,979 Social and Humaniora study programs (Soshum). In addition, there are 123,875 regular participants accepted and 61,067 participants using Smart Indonesian Card for College (KIP-K). In addition, 265 participants with disabilities also attended this selection. In comparison, 19 people were taken or passed in the Saintek and 44 participants in the Soshum.
The number of participants who passed was the result of selection from 777,858 registrants nationally, consisting of the Saintek group with a total of 336,834 registrants and 85,149 accepted or with a percentage of 25.28% taken. On the other hand, Soshum registrants were 378,556 and 83,836 accepted, with a percentage of 22.15%. In addition, there were 62,468 Saintek and Soshum (Mixed) registrants, while the number received was 15,957 or 25.54%.
UNY at the 2021 SBMPTN received 2,523 participants spread over 60 undergraduate study programs. Head of Admission UNY, Setya Raharja, said that there were 44,678 applicants for the 2021 UNY SBMPTN pathway, while 920 people received the KIP-K. "Prospective students who the UNY SBMPTN accepts must prepare the necessary documents for registration at UNY," said Setya Raharja. All prospective students who have the KlP-K and non-KIP-K must fill in the socio-economic data for determining the Single Tuition Fee (UKT) on the http://ukt.uny.ac.id. It started from 15 to 18 June 2021, where the verification results and UKT amount will be announced on 20 June 2021 on the same page.
Until now, UNY has 4,075 new students in 2021, including 1,552 people accepted through the SNMPTN and 2,523 people through the SBMPTN (852 men and 1,671 women). Setya Raharja informed that people who failed in SBMPTN still have the opportunity to register for UNY through the Independent Selection route. The requirements are available through the pmb.uny.ac.id page. This activity follows the implementation of UNY's sustainable development goals in the aspect of quality education. (Dedy,ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/uny-terima-2523-mahasiswa-jalur-sbmptn