Today, Thursday (6/8), as many as 456 prospective students try their luck to continue their studies in various study programs at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). They took part in the Bachelor Degree Independent Selection (SM-S1) with the computer-based test (CBT) at the UNY campus. Based on information from the Head of the UNY Admissions Service Office, Dr. Setya Raharja, M.Pd., the Independent Selection (SM) still provides UNY students with about 30% of the total capacity of UNY. Based on the UNY Rector's Decree No. 1.20/UN34/V/2020, the total capacity of Undergraduate Programs in UNY for the 2020/2021 academic year is 5,361. There were 222 participants in session I (morning) and session II (afternoon). As many as 234 participants participated in the campus CBT selection.
Based on the schedule released on pmb.uny.ac.id, the CBT exam at the UNY Campus was held from 6-10 August 2020 in the computer laboratory at LIMUNY UPT ICT LPMPP and the Faculty of Economics.
Various selection models recruit new students through the Independent Selection, including academic achievement, superior achievement, talent scouting, UTBK SBMPTN scores, Campus CBT, Domicile CBT, Superior Sports Achievements, CBT Cooperation, Overseas Portfolios. Further information available at pmb.uny.ac.id.
The implementation of CBT at UNY continues to apply the Covid-19 health protocol for participants, committees, and introductions (must use masks, stay healthy, keep the distance). UNY has prepared facilities in the form of handwashing facilities at each test location. The CBT participants will only arrive at the drop-off area at each entrance.
At the entrance to UNY, there are temperature checks and health certificates checking. The coordination of the Covid-19 health protocol implementation of the HSC coordinates with the Sleman Regency Covid-19 Task Force. Prepared one doctor, two paramedics, and 1 unit ambulance from UNY. (Sud, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/uny-selenggarakan-seleksi-mandiri-jalur-cbt-kampus