The Institute for Quality Assurance and Educational Development, Center for Educational Innovation and Learning Development, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, on Wednesday, 12 August 2020, successfully held an Online Workshop on Learning Models for Teachers. For now, the ninth online workshop. This time with the theme "Teacher Productivity in the Time of the Covid-19 Pandemic Towards New Normal". For now, the ninth series targeted Vocational Electronics and ICT Teachers.

Participants of this workshop can also follow the Glacier (Global Access Independence Learning) tutorial on learning models via In addition, registered workshop participants can participate in resource presentations and discussions (real-time) via teleconference. Meanwhile, not registered participants can participate in the workshop session on resource presentations via UNY Official YouTube.

This workshop aims to improve teachers' professionalism from PAUD to SMA/SMK education levels, significantly increasing pedagogic competence in applying learning models during the new expected pandemic.

As a keynote speaker, Dr. Sunarya Sunarta delivered material entitled "multimedia-based Learning." Learning modalities, according to Sunarya, are ways of absorbing information through the senses, which include:

  1. Visual, students absorb images related to visuals, colors, pictures, maps, diagrams, etc.

  2. Auditory, how students absorb information more quickly through what they see and listen to,

  3. Kinesthetic, the way students absorb information through various physical movements.

While what is meant by multimedia is a computer-based interactive communication system capable of creating, storing, presenting, and reaccessing text, graphics, sound, video, or animation information.

In today's workshop, as a spokesperson, Handaru Jati, Ph.D., delivered his presentation with the theme "Computer Simulation for Vocational Education in the Field of Computer and Information Engineering."

The next speaker, Dr. Phil, followed them. Ir. Mashoedah, S.Pd., M.T. delivering Learning Strategies in the Pandemic Period. He conveyed that the general policy principle for implementing education during the Covid-19 pandemic was the health and safety of students, educators, education staff, families, and the community. The series on the implementation of this workshop is available on the YouTube page (Sud,ts-Shafia, Alina)


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4. Quality Education
Teaching Learning
Indicator Name : 4.Quality Education: