Engineering Faculty Strengthens their Industrial Collaboration
The Faculty of Engineering, Yogyakarta State University strengthens the cooperation with the Industrial World Business World (DUDI). This was marked by the signing of Momerandum of Agreement with 12 companies (21/10/2021). Industries involved in this agenda include PT Mesail Cantik Indonesia, PT. Prospect Motors, PT. Global Tiket Network, PT. Jiwanta Astungkara Parama, PT Sinar Mutiara Cakrabuana (PT. SMC), PT. Troya Digital Mesail, PT. Global CARfix Indonesia, PT. Borobudur Oto Mobil, PT Widya Intellectual Bangsa and others. Vice Dean for Academic and Cooperation Affairs, Prof. Dr. Edy Supriyadi, M.Pd. said that cooperation with industry is one of the main foundations in faculty development, especially with the spirit of vocational education that continues to be echoed. This is one of UNY’s efforts in the sustainable development agenda in the field of quality education and partnerships to achieve goals
“It is undeniable that cooperation and support from industry has become an important factor in the implementation of vocational education to produce graduates who are able to adapt to the needs of the world of work,” he added.
“Our synergies with industry have been long and strong with several collaborative programs, such as lecturers from industry practitioners or our teaching staff serv“Our synergies with industry have been long and strong with several collaborative programs, such as lecturers from industry practitioners or our teaching staff serving as resource persons for training in industry, then student internships, alumni distribution and industry involvement in the development of our curriculum to ensure link and match between educational process and industrial needs as well as other activities,” Edy uttered.
“We continue to enhance the role of industry to provide input to the educational curriculum based on technological developments as well as providing practical facilities and apprenticeships for students so that both students and lecturers can keep up with the latest industrial technology developments,” continued Edy.
“Investments made by industry to participate in the development of competency-based vocational and vocational education, will ultimately benefit the industry through the availability of competent and ready-to-work workers, thereby reducing production costs and risks, in addition to increasing industrial competitiveness. , “said the Professor of Vocational Education at FT UNY. labs and workshops visit
After the signing ceremony, the event continued with a display of robots made by the students who have made many achievements both nationally and internationally and are now continuing to prepare themselves as representatives of Indonesia at the 2021 ABU Robocon International event in Jimo, China. Industry representatives were then divided according to their respective fields to discuss further about cooperation programs that will soon be realized while visiting the FT UNY lab and workshop.