Learn Thai Language With Bipa Fbs Uny

BIPA FBS UNY chaired by Dr. Ari Kusmiatun, M.Hum, in one of its programs, the Asian Language Learning Series, organized Learning Thai Language with Nisachon Chuchai. This activity is a collaboration between BIPA FBS UNY and the ASEAN Study Study Program at Walalailak University Thailand.
The activity is planned for 10 online meetings every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 10.00 to. 12.00 WIB. The course material is more focused on Thai for oral communication.
The first day of the course as well as the opening was held on Wednesday, August 11, 2021, which was also attended by the Dean of FBS UNY Dr. Sri Harti Widyastuti, M.Hum, Vice Chancellor for Planning and Cooperation Prof. Dr. Siswantoyo, M.Kes.,AIFO, Vice Dean for Academic Affairs, Planning and Cooperation Dr. Maman Suryaman, M.Pd., Dean of the School of Political Science and Law at Walalailak University Prof. Dr. Surasit Vajirakachorn, Tutors, and nearly 40 course participants.
Prof. Siswantoyo in his speech revealed that the Thai Language Course is an activity that is encouraged in the context of collaborating with universities abroad.
This activity is very strategic and mutually reinforcing, and is the umpteenth step from the previous step. It is hoped that this joint activity will encourage other programs, including joint research and publications.
When things return to normal, it is hoped that UNY can send lecturers to Walailak as Visiting Professors as well as joint research and joint publications, and student mobility which is packaged in a 5 in 1 program to make it more effective.
“Together we can, united we progress, partnered we win. To get to World Class University, we need to close ranks, bring the programs we initiated into programs that we encourage together”, said Prof. Siswantoyo at the end of his speech.
The first day of the course runs smoothly, with basic practical oral communication materials used in everyday conversation. Participants were very enthusiastic to participate and took turns practicing how to get acquainted in Thai.