Counseling Guidance Webinar: Postmodern Perspectives in Counseling Services

Thursday, 28 January 2021, the Educational Psychology and Guidance Department (Faculty of Education UNY) collaborates with the Counseling Guidance Study Program (Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Muhammadiyah University Magelang) held a Webinar with the theme of Postmodern Perspectives in Counseling Services.
As a resource person is Mr. Dr. Sigit Sanyata, M.Pd. He also serves as the Head of Guidance and Counseling Study Program, FIP UNY. In his presentation, Sigit conveyed related to the webinar's theme, namely "Postmodern Perspective in Counseling Services. Starting his presentation, Sigit conveyed several terms related to the postmodern approach in counseling, namely the modern approach, postmodern approach, and contemporary approach. "Some modern approaches are analytical stages, in which there are psychoanalytic, Adlerian, Jungian approaches. Both Experiential & relationship-oriented include existential, PCT, Gestalt. The three actions, including reality/choice theory, behavior, cognitive, and REBT. The four systems perspectives include feminist and family," he explained.
Related to the postmodern approach, Sigit emphasized that we cannot separate the paradigm shift from modern to postmodern thinking or the philosophical issues behind it. Observable, changeable, so the focus is on the solution. The approach in Postmodern usually discusses what problems happen and how these problems can arise, so that only then can be determined what alternatives to overcome the problem, he explained.
"So from the beginning, we need to understand that the counseling and psychotherapy approach aimed to guarantee the effectiveness and not claim that one approach is better than the other. Now, this guarantee of effectiveness then makes someone choose a certain theory. If we use theory, we often call it an approach. This means that as a person center, we use it only to approach the problems experienced by counselees to solve problems,' explained Sigit.
Sigit added that problem-solving relies on its potential and strength in brief therapy with being professionally facilitated by a counselor. The view of reality influences the background of the development of solution-focused brief counseling. In the modern counseling approach, reality is an aspect observed systematically through the scientific method. In contrast to the contemporary counseling approach, in the postmodern system, the concept of reality is considered not easy to follow. As the philosophical foundation of the postmodern approach, social constructionism considers reality as the result of social construction. Postmodern perspective webinar in this counseling service, more clearly and in whole, can be watched on the Official UNY FIP channel, at the link (rit, ts-Alina)
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