UNY Conducts Vaccination for Lecturer

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) carried out vaccinations for lecturers and academic staff. The head of the Vaccination Committee, Dr. Prijo Sudibjo, said that the first stage of the vaccination took place with a quota of 500 packages. The plan is that the second stage of vaccination will be 28 days after the first vaccine. UNY proposed as many as 2.367 vaccine packages to the DIY Health Office, and now only 500 vaccine packages have been realized.
The 2.367 vaccine packages are for 1.198 lecturers, 836 education staff, 333 casual daily workers, cleaners, and others. The partner appointed for vaccination is PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital.
During the pandemic, UNY continued to work by continuing to implement health protocols. UNY has also donated PPE to the Hospital and Sleman Regency Government, which the Faculty make of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, and other units. (ts-Shafia, Alina)