UNY Conducted the Lemongrass Plants Cultivation and Post-Harvest Processing Training to Improve Women Entrepreneurship in Samen Hamlet, Sumbermulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul

On 13 June 2021, the Out of School Education Department (PLS), Faculty of Education (FIP) lecturer group chaired by Dr. Enoh Tohani, M.Pd. conducted community service (PPM) activities in the Samen hamlet, Sumbermulyo, Bambanglipuro, Bantul. The team consisted of Drs. Hiryanto, M.Si, Lutfi Wibawa, M.Pd, Arif Wijayanto, M.Pd, Akhmad Rofik, M.Pd. aimed to enhance women's entrepreneurship in the Samen by utilizing local potential in the form of lemongrass plants.
The PPM activities are carried out for one day, starting at 09.00 a.m. until 01.00 p.m. at the lemongrass group leader's house. It began with the remarks, the provision of material by the experts, questions and answers session, and planting lemongrass plants and ended with closing.
The material provided in this training is entrepreneurship awareness, land use, and lemongrass plant processing. First, the awareness material was delivered by Akhmad Rofik, M.Pd., by explaining entrepreneurship tips during a pandemic. They were followed by the foremost speaker, Sunaryanta, who provided material related to land use and processing of lemongrass plants into several products of economic value. After giving the material, participants were allowed to ask questions with the speakers.
In the question and answer session, the participants seemed very enthusiastic to ask about the material given. In addition to asking questions, participants also gave various inputs related to the follow-up to be carried out after the training. For example, visiting the lemongrass production to see the production process and forming a business group to organize the following activities effectively. Those suggestions were well-responded by the head of the community group, the head of the Samen hamlet, and the speakers. Later, there will be an internal discussion related to some of the things presented by the participants.
The next event was the planting of lemongrass led by the head of the PPM Group, Dr. Entoh Tohani, M.Pd, which was previously preceded by the symbolic giving of lemongrass to the community.
The actual follow-up of this activity is to coordinate periodically with the target group and related parties to oversee the realization of the objectives of this activity. As already mentioned, the ultimate goal of this activity is that the Samen hamlet community can be independent in entrepreneurship by utilizing the local potential that exists in the samen hamlet. (Arf/Rof, ts-Shafia, Alina)