UNYQUA Profile Company Location Company Vision and Mission

A. General Data Description
a. UNYQUA Profile
UNYQUA is part of a production business unit officially established based on the Decree of the Chancellor of the Yogyakarta State University Number 767A of 2008. Deed of Establishment at the notary office of Dyah Maryulina Budi Mumpuni, SH in Yogyakarta No. 04 dated 8 June 2007 and has been registered at the Sleman District Court No. W13.42-90-Kum 07.01-CV-2008 dated 19 March 2008. Interference Permit HO: No. 50311068HO2008 dated 27-03-2008. Trading Business License: No. 5033693204PKIV2008 Date. 08-04-2008. Company Registration Certificate: No. 120235202362 date. 09-04-2008. Inauguration of Taxable Authorizer: No. PEM-00712WPJ.23KP.01032008 on 04-03-2008. Taxpayer Identification Number : No. 02,682,978.8,542-000. Health Eligibility Certificate Sleman Health Office: No. 008KSSLS DAMIII08. Date 24 March 2008. Trademark Registration Letter: No. 6.653APR2010. 06-04- 2010. 41
b. Company Location
UNYQUA is located at Jalan Affandi No. 1C Karangmalang Complex, Yogyakarta. 1 West: UNY Rectorate 2 East: Gejayan Street 3 South: UNY Auto Care 4 North: Official Park
c. Vision and mission of the company
1 Company vision. The company's vision is UNYQUA as a professional, independent business unit and excellent service for consumers through the teaching industry that supports the learning process and empowerment of the UNY community and the environment.
2 Company mission. The company's mission is as follows: a. To develop the market potential of bottled mineral water in UNY with good production standards, which refers to product quality assurance. b Meeting the needs of internal and external consumers with satisfactory service and product quality. 42 c Utilizing business unit assets maximally and efficiently to obtain revenue that can contribute to UNY d Empowering students to gain learning experiences and entrepreneurship student employment.
Source Link: https://text-id.123dok.com/document/eqoowvo5q-profil-unyqua-letaktempat-perusahaan-visi-dan-misi-perusahaan.html