UNY Swara Wadhana Voice Win Awards In Taipei

The Swara Wadhana Choir of UNY won some awards in the Taipei International Choral Competition held on 22-25 July 2021 in Taipei. Swara Wadhana UNY received recognition in the Youth Choir Category - 2nd place Gold Medal, with a score of 91.70, Musica Sacra - 4th place Gold Medal, with a score of 85.98, Ethnic/Traditional Music Category - 4th place Gold Medal, with a score of 86.80, Contemporary Music Category - 1st place Gold Medal, with a score of 88.98, Virtual Choir Category in the Swara Wardhana Choir team 4th place Gold Medal, with a score of 87.25 and Pesparawi UNY team 5th place Gold Medal, with a score of 86.15 and 2nd place Grand Prix. With judges from various countries, including Lorenzo Donati from Italy, T.J. Harper from the USA, Susanna Saw from Malaysia, and Aida Swenson from Indonesia.
According to the founder of the Swara Wadhana Choir of UNY, Driyastuti Yogyaningrum, the number of participants who took part in this competition was 35 participants from various countries. "In this competition, the Swara Wadhana Choir follows five categories: Youth Choir, Musica Sacra, Ethnic/Traditional Music, Contemporary Music, and Virtual Choir," said Driyastuti. The Swara Wadhana Choir consisted of several teams, namely the 2019 Team, the 2020 Team, the 2021 Team, and the UNY Pesparawi Team. The 2019 team participated in the Contemporary Music and Ethnic/Traditional Music categories. The 2020 team followed the Virtual Choir category. The 2021 team participated in the Youth Choir, Musica Sacra, and Ethnic/Traditional Music categories UNY Pesparawi Team participated in the Virtual Choir category. The Swara Wadhana Choir Team started practicing from February to June.
The Taipei International Choral Competition was initiated by Dirk DuHei, who won the National Culture and Art Prize in 1997. He received his Master of Music in leading at the University of Illinois, the USA. Since 1983, Dirk DuHei has been the Artistic Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Chorus. In 1988 he launched the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education to promote choral and other musical activities in Taiwan. The foundation has, over the years, been involved in bringing together hundreds of renowned artists and ensembles, both local and foreign. And the foundation has successfully promoted international cultural exchanges such as the Taipei International Choral Competition. Currently, Dirk DuHei serves as Artistic Director of the Taipei Philharmonic Foundation for Culture and Education, Taipei Philharmonic Chorus, Chamber Choir, Youth Choir, Taipei Philharmonic Youth Orchestra, Taipei Philharmonic Theatre, and Taipei Philharmonic Opera Studio. (Dedy,ts-Shafia, Arfian)
Source Link : https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/paduan-suara-swara-wadhana-uny-raih-penghargaan-di-taipei