UNY Students Develop Hydroponic Farming System: My Farm

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Five students of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) developed a hydroponic farming system, which was named My Farm. This system utilizes solar energy to supply water for plants and fish ponds under hydronic growing media and is equipped with the Internet of Things (IoT) to control the pH of the water. The five UNY students are Khakam Ma'ruf, Assadullah Al Kafah Alam, and Muhammad Yusri Dzal Yahya (Mechanical Engineering Education Study Program), Riza Alfiyatun (Chemical Study Program), and Verlenda Sarma Qur'aini (Electronic Engineering Study Program).
Khakam Ma'ruf said the development of the My Farm hydroponic farming system because the narrow land system farming method has several weaknesses, including the manual watering process, still using chemical fertilizers or pesticides, consuming a lot of energy or time, and the lack of technological innovation that is applied so that it is less attractive. for the community to do. So we need a solution to solve this problem. "That was our initial idea to develop the My Farm hydroponic system," he explained. Khakam Ma'ruf explained that this agricultural system uses the principle of hydroponics as a growing medium, integrated with fish ponds under hydroponics so that it is easy to apply on limited land.
“My Farm utilizes solar energy as a water supplier for hydroponics. At the bottom of My Farm, there is a fish pond and at the top is a hydroponic growing medium. Later, the water from the bottom of the fish pond will be circulated to the plants as a watering system," he said. In addition, My Farm utilizes natural fertilizer from filtered fish manure to utilize fish manure and does not interfere with fish growth. Assadullah Al Kafah Alam added that this system also develops fish farming and its water treatment filtration system.
Source Link : https://edukasi.okezone.com/read/2021/09/12/65/2470194/mahasiswa-uny-kembangkan-sistem-pertanan-hidroponik-my-farm