UNY Students Design an Opak Dryer Machine

Cassava plants are often found in tropical countries. One of the areas that cultivate cassava is Kesugihan, Cilacap district. This has encouraged many Kesugihan people to process cassava into various processed products that have a high taste, one of which is opak.
As Mr. Solikhin did, he produces 12,000 pieces of opak per month with a monthly turnover of Rp. 8,000,000.00. However, there are obstacles to making opak, namely the steaming and drying process. Where the process of steaming the dough to become opak requires a large container for a large yield capacity. Then, the process of drying opak which still relies on sunlight and requires a large area of land.
Based on this problem, the UNY Technology Application Student Creativity Program team consisting of Muhammad Faqihul Imam, Abdul Rosyid Hidayatullah (Physics), Intan Sulistyani Widiarti (Office Administration Education), Ardi Jati Nugroho (Mechanical Engineering Education), and Amara Widiyanty (Physics Education) ) with the supervisor Surono, S.Pd., M.Pd., designed a machine called the Opak Dryer Machine: Increasing Business Productivity Oemah Opak Miliki Solikhin, Kesugihan.
Faqihul Imam, the team leader explained that this tool can provide alternative solutions to problems experienced in making opak. With this tool, you can increase the capacity and dimensions of the container while adding a drying function. In addition, it also uses a container whose drying uses a gas stove so that it does not depend on the presence of sunlight, especially in the rainy season. (witono,ts-Abror)
Sorce Link: http://fmipa.uny.ac.id/id/berita/mahasiswa-uny-merancang-mesin-pengering-opak