UNY Student Association Ethics

As one of the state universities in Indonesia, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) has regulations and policies that every student, lecturer, and staff must obey. One of them is the Rector's Decree Number 03 of 2009 concerning the Student Association Ethics. This policy aimed to guide the rights, obligations, prohibitions, and sanctions for students. For example, in explaining the ban for students, students are not allowed to dress impolitely and contain harassment against certain ethnic groups, races, religions, and groups. This policy is one of UNY's efforts to prevent harassment and discrimination within UNY. (ts-Arfian, Alina)
Source Link : http://baki.uny.ac.id/sites/baki.uny.ac.id/files/ETIKA%20DAN%20TATA%20TERTIB%20PERGAULAN%20MAHASISWA.pdf