Office of International Affairs and Cooperation (KUIK) UNY and the Career Development Center (PPK) LPPMP UNY strengthened cooperation with UNY partner companies. Banking, information, technology, services and metering, retail, and garment and non-garment manufacturing.
Prof. Dr. Margana, M.Hum, MA, Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs of UNY, who was present representing the Chancellor of UNY said that in the 21st century and industry 4.0 one of the important things that must be maintained in collaboration so that collaboration between UNY and partner companies in Indonesia is very important in the context of advancing the nation and state.
In his remarks on behalf of Bachtiar Rifai, representatives of UNY partner companies from Volantis Teknologi said that collaboration and institutions are very important elements for development for the development of every company or institution because collaboration allows companies and institutions to enable the exchange of experience, knowledge, and resources. Meanwhile, Volantis Technology and partners from companies are here to strengthen UNY's role in the global and national arena.
In his presentation session, Nat Senam, Vice-Chancellor IV for Cooperation, said that by strengthening the networking of partner companies with UNY, universities and industry could develop mutually reinforcing relationships. "We represent one of the leaders of UNY, inviting partner companies to discuss the potential for collaboration between UNY and partner companies, as well as to strengthen the existing network of cooperation," said Gymnastics. (ts-DNA)
Source link: https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/uny-kuatkan-kerjasama-dengan-33-usaha-mitra