UNY Held Leadership Training by Indonesian Embassy in Beijing

Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) was trusted to hold leadership training for school principals in collaboration with the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, had online and closed on Friday (17/9). The Deputy Chief of Mission, Dino R. Kusnadi, said that this program collaborated between the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing with the Chinese Ministry of Education and the Center Language Education and Cooperation (CLEC). It aimed to share and discuss education development in China and other educational platforms with school principals. "We appreciate the cooperation between China and Indonesia and hope that it can provide something good for all," said Dino R. Kusnadi. He also hopes that this activity can increase Indonesia-China bilateral activities, improve quality, and develop human resources in Indonesia. This training shows that China pays attention to Indonesia as one of the countries in Asia that should prioritize leadership training. As school leaders, principals should pay attention to the micro aspects of teaching. As part of an Asian Community based on socio-economic and cultural bases, Indonesia is part of complementary Indonesia-China bilateral relations.
Secretary-General of the ASEAN China Center (ACC) Chen Dehai said that the current situation of the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted learning activities in schools and campuses. The education world of the two countries has been closed in recent times, so this training aimed to provide a platform for educators in both countries to learn from each other through collaboration and exchange of experiences between the two countries. We hope that the cooperation between the Indonesian Embassy in Beijing, the Chinese Ministry of Education, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, ACC, and CLEC will sustain and strengthen.
This activity was initiated by the Planning and Cooperation Division, especially in UNY's Overseas Partnership. Vice-Rector for Planning and Cooperation of UNY Prof. Siswantoyo expressed his gratitude for the trust of the Indonesian Embassy and CLEC in UNY to carry out leadership training for school principals. This activity also teaches schools to be motivated in maintaining the work environment. The training lasted for ten days with 40 working hours. It was attended by 75 principals from kindergarten to tertiary institutions from various provinces and countries, including DIY, East Java, South Kalimantan, West Sumatra, Gorontalo, and Indonesian Schools in Kuala Lumpur, Jeddah, Cairo, Bangkok, Tokyo, and The Hague. The speakers came from several institutions in China and brought material about culture, education, teaching methods, economics, and, more specifically, how to learn Mandarin. (Dedy,ts-Shafia, Alina)