The Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia has launched the Social Entrepreneurship program (Prokus). The UNY Business Incubator actively welcomes government programs by assisting fostered partners. The commitment of the UNY business incubator has received positive recognition from the Ministry of Social Affairs through the election of the KPM PKH Wirausaha administered by the UNY Business Incubator at the 2021 Prokus Product Expo, which will be held from 18 to 21 December 2021.
"The election of KPM PKH Entrepreneurs assisted by the LPPM UNY Business Incubator to represent the RI Ministry of Social Affairs' Prokus 21 activities is an appreciation of Prokus 2021 activities in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia and the Social Service of Gunung Kidul Regency. Currently, the UNY Business Incubator has been trusted to assist 500 KPM PKH Entrepreneurs in Gunungkidul," said UNY Business Incubator Manager Dinar Ari Prasetyo, ST., MBA.
UNY Business Incubator introduced two fostered entrepreneurs in this exhibition, namely Mrs. Sutarti with Cashew Nut Processed Products and Mrs. Caecilia Sukiyem with Aloe vera Instant Powder Products. “This activity is excellent to support MSMEs so that they can advance to class through wider product introductions. This Expo can also be an opportunity to expand networks,” said Mrs. Caecilia Sukiyem (M.Fajar Sodik – Dinar, Tj.Lak)