Teenagers are vulnerable to sexual violence, with most cases in the form of harassment. The group most susceptible to experiencing such issues is adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Sexual harassment can affect independence and outlook on the future. Besides that, one of the severe effects of abuse is trauma. Therefore, it is essential to provide psychological assistance to deal with the mental problems of youth with disabilities. A group of UNY Faculty of Education students designed a game-based e-counseling as an alternative for dealing with mental issues operated remotely during the Covid-19 pandemic. Kenanga, Salsabila, and Orchid from the unique education study program, Arif from the guidance and counseling study program, and Haya from the education technology study program.
According to Kenanga, mental problems in adolescents with intellectual disabilities due to sexual harassment must be resolved, especially in assisting victims. This e-counseling service developed has a game feature to detect stress levels and mental problems due to sexual harassment. This feature is also enjoyable because it is carried based on the game. Currently, few e-counseling services have game features to deal with mental problems due to sexual harassment in adolescents with intellectual disabilities. Suppose e-counseling services only through website chat aimed to explore issues for adolescents with intellectual disabilities. In that case, it will be challenging because they have obstacles in understanding which are difficult to think abstractly.
With the assistance of victims, we hoped to minimize the negative impacts that attack the psyche. It can also encourage the victim to restore self-confidence and eliminate negative assumptions that hinder growth.
This work won funding from the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology in the Student Creativity Program in the Social Humanities Research in 2021. It also passed the National Student Scientific Week (Pimnas), held online at the end of October. This activity is one of UNY's sustainable development agendas in quality education and gender equality efforts. (Dedy, ts-Shafia, Alina)