UNY Arranged the Past Learning Recognition Program

The concept of lifelong learning, as we all know that education is the right of all Indonesian citizens so that they could get the ample opportunity to pursue education. However, it is undeniable that for some reason, many students do not graduate.
The Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture, in collaboration with universities and Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY), is arranging a Past Learning Recognition (RPL) program. It is a program that gives competence recognition in learning outcomes from non-formal, informal learning, and work experience. In addition, it aims to achieve formal learning outcomes, in the form of exemption from some courses or the acquisition of credits to continue their studies in Higher Education (students who are accepted can take some systems). Which is not recognized). This assistance program invites prospective students to enroll in Higher Education (Universities, Institutes, or Colleges) in Bachelor and Master (non-vocational) programs. For students who register and are accepted, they will get free tuition subsidies for one semester.
Prof. Dr. Margana, M. Hum. M.A., the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, said that the purpose of this RPL is to increase access to higher education. It provides opportunities for people who have the experience to apply for recognition of learning outcomes obtained to obtain academic credit through RPL, encouraging people to study throughout the year. Life, and provide opportunities for Higher Education to organize RPL to expand access to higher education.
The RPL study programs offered at UNY are 32 undergraduate education and 22 educational and non-educational study programs for the master's degree.
While the flow of the RPL pathway mechanism is that the applicant consults with the RPL unit/team at the intended university, the candidate prepares a portfolio document relevant to the learning outcomes of the intended study program. Next, the university conducts document checks and validations and performs assessments of candidates. Finally, the university determines the number of credits/courses recognized and taken by the candidate. After that, the prospective students who pass will take formal education in the intended study program and finally graduate.
Registration information is on the http://rpla.kemdikbud.go.id page, while more details are available at https://pppk-rpl.kemdikbud.go.id. (Sud, ts-Shafia, Alina)
Source Link :https://www.uny.ac.id/berita/uny-dipercaya-selenggarakan-program-rpl