Unit Perpustakaan Terpadu (Integrated Library Unit)

The Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta Library can't be separated from the records of the Yogyakarta of IKIP. The library was installed at an equal time on May 21 1964, which later became its Anniversary. History At first the library occupied one of the rooms in the Faculty of Education which at that time had only 4 employees consisting of 1 head, 2 staff, and 1 general assistant. In 1970 the library moved to the Rectorate Building with an area of ​​520 m2 which is currently used for the MKU room and the Guidance and Counseling Service Unit. With the Rector's Decree No. 28/1970, which stipulates that starting January 1, 1971, the library will become a separate institution whose status is directly under the Rector and is led by a Library Director. In line with that, the Rector's Decree Number 19/1970 dated December 22, 1970, that all faculties and department libraries were merged into the institute library, the integration was only completed in 1974. In line with the development of the number of collections and demand for services, in 1974 the library moved again to a new building area of ​​1,004 m2. In 1978 the library underwent a change in status after the issuance of the Rector's Decree No. 81/PT27R/C/78, becoming a division and led by a Head of Section under the Bureau of Academic and Student Administration. In 1983, the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0142/0/1983 was issued regarding the Yogyakarta IKIP Work Procedures Organization, which was later updated with the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0101/0/1983, then the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 0174/0/1995 which gave the status as a Technical Implementing Unit parallel to the UPT. Others in the UNY environment. In the context of development, in 1979-1980, the library received visits from 3 consultants from UNDP, namely: Mr. Bjorn Tell library network field, Mr. lorens in the field of energy development, and Mr. FG Pooe in the area of building planning to survey the possibility of library development:

  • Soeatminah (1964-1987)
  • Dra. Sumardilah (1987-1994)
  • Drs. Sri Marnodi (1994-1998)
  • Drs. H. Rochmad Wahab, M.Pd., MA. (1999-1999)
  • Drs. Tatang Amirin (2000-2002)
  • Sri Hartati, SH (2002-2010)
  • Sukarjono, S.Sos (2010-present)

Library Rules :

Every visitor to the UPT Library of UNY is required to obey the following rules and regulations:

  • Show student ID card or ID card own member that is still valid.
  • Attendance of visitors by scanning the Library Membership Card.
  • Be polite and dress appropriately, and maintain order and security.
  • Stealing and or tearing library collections will be subject to academic sanctions by the UPT Library and UNY.
  • Not allowed :
    • Carrying bags or similar into the room.
    • Bringing food or drinks into the room
    • Smoking, eating, and drinking indoors,
    • Wearing flip-flops, jackets, hats, shirts without collars in the library building
  • Willing to obey all applicable regulations without exception.

Sanctions for visitors to the UPT Library of UNY

  • To further improve the enforcement of rules and regulations as well as security that applies to the UPT Library of Yogyakarta State University, library members who violate the outlined provisions will be subject to sanctions as follows:
  • Library users who are late in returning borrowed books at the circulation are subject to a fine of IDR 300.00 per book per day of delay.
  • For late returns of photocopied collections, the reading service section is subject to a fine of IDR 500.00 per book for every hour of delay.
  • Library users who damage part and or whole or eliminate library materials that are the responsibility of borrowing are subject to the following provisions: Replacing library materials that are part and or completely damaged or lost with the same library materials.
  • Cannot replace library materials with photocopies.
  • Users who do not obey the rules and regulations, either in part or in whole, are not allowed to use the facilities in the library.
  • Users who intentionally or plan to violate the rules and regulations will be subject to administrative and academic sanctions.

Service Hours

  • Monday - Thursday (07.30 WIB - 19.00 WIB)
  • Friday (07.30 WIB - 19.00 WIB), rest (11.30 WIB - 13.00 WIB)
  • Saturday (09.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB)
  • Sunday (09.00 WIB - 15.00 WIB)

Vision and Mission
"As a provider of science and technology information."


  • They are improving the relevance and quality of integrated library system services to all service users in the university environment.
  • You are applying information technology, a technology that is essentially based on the concept of automation.
  • Libraries are users and owners of data and information to support collaboration (resources sharing) with libraries and other information centers.


11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Indicator Name : 11.Sustainable Cities and Communities: