Terminalia catappa leaves for wound inflammation care
For quick healing of a wound, it is essential to have anti-inflammatory compounds to reduce the signs and symptoms of inflammation. You may find anti-inflammatory compounds in the ketapang(terminalia catappa) leaves. Asmi Aris (chemical education study program), Miya Kurniawati (sports coaching education program), and Jefri Eko Cahyono (communication science study program) have set the interest to study ketapang leaves as an anti-inflammatory ointment.
Asmi Aris said that ketapang (Terminalia Catappa) contains medicinal compounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins, titerpenoids, steroids, and saponins. "Ketapang is a type of vascular plant, which has tannin content," he said. Tannin can be used as an antibacterial in wounds because, in tannins, there are phenol group compounds. In addition, the phenol group in tannin has alcoholic properties which act as antiseptics. According to Miya Kurniawati when a body has an open wound, the inflammatory mechanism will help eliminate damaged cells and speed up the healing process. "Inflammation is the first immune response to damage foreign substances or objects that are considered harmful, be it damaged cells, bacteria, or viruses," Miya said.
Eliminating foreign substances or objects is vital to begin the healing process. In addition, inflammatory cells in the blood vessels trigger swelling in areas of the body that are damaged and cause swelling, redness, and pain. Inflammation will indeed cause discomfort, but it is crucial in the healing process.This innovation has the potential to be produced commercially. The natural ingredient that is easy to find will be a good starting point to consider. (Dedy; Tr.Lak)