Smoking Regulations from a Student Perspective

Smoking regulations enforced by various faculties at Yogyakarta State University reap different unique perspectives. The author took data from 2019 and 2018 students because these students had experienced the pleasures of regular times when everything still did offline. However, when all lecture activities through online, it becomes deserted without anyone. As a result, the effectiveness of smoking regulations in each of these faculties is affected.

Student Perspectives on Smoking Regulations in the Faculty

16 June 2021, the author met with Hanif, a student of PJKR class of 2019. According to his narrative, there is no written prohibition on smoking at FIK. However, smoking regulations in FIK were in written form with the advice of the FIK lecturers themselves. One example of the appeal is that students who will continue their new chapter of life in physical health are advised not to smoke. From these things, FIK students think that smoking regulations in their faculties are not written regulations but are cultural norms for students.

The author also explores smoking regulations in the Faculty of Education (FIP). This time, the author traces the information through WhatsApp. On 19 June 2021, the author contacted the resource person, Annisa Tanjung, a PLB student batch 2018. "Smoking regulations in FIP are in the form of written text, but the implementation of smoking regulations in FIP is normative," said Tanjung. Tanjung considers this smoking regulation is unfair because the place for smokers is not available in the faculty. According to the author, smoking regulations in FIP were not written but were applied normatively in the campus area. Thus, for FIP students,

The same thing happened in the Faculty of Economics (FE) and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA). The author interviewed Annisa Nurfatimah Febrianti, a student of Accounting Education class 2019. According to her, smoking regulations in FE are stringent, and there is only one warning there, namely one 3-dimensional cigarette image with a cross sign. This indicates that the entire FE area is not a smoking area. On the other hand, according to Latifah Nur Khasanah, a 2018 class of Chemistry Education student, there is a smoking ban in the FMIPA area. He also did not see any appeal from the regulation. The conclusion from what Latifah said was that none of the FMIPA students smoked because they did not know the faculty's smoking activities.

Next, the author explores smoking regulations in the Faculty of Engineering (FT) viachatWhatsApp. Right on 18 June 2021, the author contacted Valda Indra, a 2018 Mechanical Engineering student. According to him, not many students at FT know about smoking regulations, including himself. This is proof that there is no socialization or advice regarding smoking rules from the campus for FT students. "However, at the Faculty of Engineering, there is no demand for students not to smoke, really," said Valda. 

Turning to the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS), the author searches for information viachatWhatsApp.On 18 June 2021, the author contacted Suden, a student of History class 2019. He said, "Everyone has the right to smoke. However, their decision to smoke needs to be balanced with the awareness that other people also have the right to breathe healthy air. Without rules, this awareness will only stop at the realm of advice (advice). Smokers at FIS have empathy for not smoking in vital areas of the campus." From the information presented by Suden, smoking regulations in FIS are not too restrictive. However, the students are very aware that smoking has its place, namely outside the campus area.

Continuing to the Faculty of Languages ​​and Arts (FBS), the author searches for information viachatWhatsApp. On 20 June 2021, the author contacted Raihan Roby, a 2018 Indonesian Literature student. According to Raihan, "If there are regulations at FBS itself, of course, there are prohibitions for smoking, both written and normative." However, according to Raihan, smoking at FBS is considered normal in the area provided. Of course, this aims to teach students to be aware of and comply with the existing rules. Therefore, we can conclude that smoking regulations at FBS are not too restrictive but also not too free because they aim to discipline students when they are on campus.

Author's Conclusion

After knowing information and perspectives from various students in each faculty, the author concludes that several faculties at UNY are not competent in enforcing smoking regulations. This is very unfortunate because if it continues, there will be miscommunication, and even worse, there will be action against smokers (students) by the campus just because they are motivated by ignorance.

Students are human too. They also have the right to taste cigarettes or choose not to smoke. It's just that they need an education that leads to awareness of being together with people who don't smoke. Therefore, smoking regulations on campus are a means of educating students' attention. The author advised the campus to be more transparent regarding this smoking regulation.

Ryan Yudha Permana

Editor: Aulia Zahro Wahdani (ts-Abror)

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3. Good Health and Well Being
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