Skills Training in Empowering the Housewives Affected by Pandemic Covid-19

During this pandemic, many people have experienced layoffs, bankruptcy, and reduced income, while the necessities of life have not decreased. The family is the smallest sphere that has the most impact on the economic crisis caused by the pandemic. Not infrequently there is a rift in the household due to economic problems, and children are victims. Therefore, to strengthen family survival in this time of crisis, housewives must be very frugal, and of course creative in utilizing the surrounding resources to be used as additional income and can help the family economy.
In line with that, Sunday (29 SAgustus 2021) the PPM Team from the UNY Fine Arts Education Study Program was chaired by Dwi Retno Sri Ambarwati, M.Sn, and the members consisted of Dr. Hajar Pamadhi, M.A (Hons), Drs. mardiyatmo, M.Pd., Eni Puji Astuti, M.Sn., and Arsianti latifah, M.Sn. will invite housewives affected by the pandemic to be creative using used goods and household waste, into objects of aesthetic and economic value, by cooperating with Owner Menik2 Craft Kristianti Dwi Wulansari, S.Pd. to share his experience and skills in running a craft business from waste materials Any used containers with a creative touch can be made into products of aesthetic and economic value, such as dolls, miniature food, piggy banks, decorative decorations, props, etc.
So don’t throw away used containers. Create cute cute products from mineral water bottles, ice cream containers, used packaging, etc. using felt. The results can be marketed and become a source of income. It can also be a solution to environmental problems according to the principle of reduce, reuse, and recycle in waste treatment.