Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, as one of the state universities in Indonesia carries out tasks not only in the fields of science, technology, and art, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Asing, improving, and implementing the Tridharma of Higher Education. In order to be able to play this role more, Yogyakarta State University realizes the need to establish cooperation in the field of Higher Education Tridharma in order to fulfill UNY's vision "by 2025, UNY will become a world-class educational university based on piety, independence, and scholarship".
The Faculty of Social Sciences, as one of the faculties in UNY feels the need to contribute to the success of these noble ideals. This was the speech of the Dean of FIS UNY, represented by the deputy dean I, Cholisin M.Sc., in the pilot workshop for the collaboration between FIS UNY and the Australian Training Institute in the Canopy Room of FIS UNY, Wednesday (3/9). This activity was attended by all heads of study programs and departments within FIS UNY and the PR team.
On this occasion, the Autraining party was represented by Mr. Bobby. According to Bobby, “the agency is Australian Volunteers for International Development pulling all the volunteer initiatives from the Australian Government under one umbrella making it easier for Australian citizens with the skills to 1) participate in foreign aid efforts; 2) exchange expertise with staff from local organizations, and 3) contribute to sustainable development. This program is being run by DFAT Australian Aid in partnership with Autraining International,” he explained. (danu, DNA)
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