Restoring the Environment with Green Campus Campaign - Biopori System Waste Management
Faculty of Sports Sciences, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (FIK UNY), collaborated with the Sleman Environment Agency (DLH), held a Student Defense Training. The theme is Green Campus Campaign with Biopori System Waste Management which 111 students from FIK UNY attended.
Mr. Arif Wibowo SKM., MM. from the Office of The Living Environment Event presented as a speaker. FIK UNY conducted this online platform on Monday, August 16, 2021. The Vice Dean for Academic and Cooperation, Vice Dean for Student Affairs and Alumni, Lecturer, Wismor Manager, Graduate Student Family Manager, Students Organization Representative, Student Activity Unit Representative, and general FIK students participated in this event.
In his speech, the Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and Cooperation said that FIK UNY supports the Green Campus efforts launched by UNY several years ago. The goal is to realize a healthy, clean, comfortable, shady, and beautiful campus. This activity itself is the implementation of science and technology in a natural campus environment.
The background of this event is because water is a basic necessity for life for living beings and the gift of God. The reduction of the water catchment area is open space, yards, forests, gardens, rice fields, etc. The change of water catchment area becomes watertight / pavement. In addition, increasing population numbers, the tendency of flooding in the rainy season and drought in the dry season, and excessive water runoff. Because of such problems, there needs to be conservation and engineering efforts, including RainWater Utilization System, Biopori, convex, reservoirs, and ponds. (PD, ts-Waryati, Alina)
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